Anthony Gunther, a Nashville native, has been selling copies of the ‘The Contributor’ in Nashville for the past 3 years. With his quotes, he said he wanted to balance the serious with the funny.

Zoe Rae moved to Nashville 4 months ago from Ft. Collins, CO to become a singer. This quote is something that helps reminds her she can be successful.

Brian Anderson, a sidewalk bouncer at Legends Corner bar in Nashville, was the quickest to think of a quote with this project. “If you can’t take care number 1 (yourself) then you can’t take care of anything else.”

A food truck vendor holds up his favorite quote on the streets of downtown Nashville.

Rodney Knott works the late-night maintenance shift working for the Nashville Public Works Department.

Chik Curtis has “lived all over this country”, but has been playing his music on the streets of Nashville for the past few months. This advice, he says, is some of the best he’s ever heard.

Kevin Coffey started playing his banjo around Nashville around six weeks ago, when he stopped working as a house refinisher. He enjoys playing on the sidewalks of Nashville much more, he said. “It’s a fun way to make a living.”